Taking the Lover

"Take the Lover" is an invaluable information resource for any sensualist looking to release the Love Warrior within. Through the delicate art of Sacred Love Making, all persons with an open heart, strong hands and a hard head can approach, seduce and Take the Lover in several easy steps.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Lover's Verse, Part One

When Love Takers find themselves in poetic flights of fancy, it is highly recommended to share these artistic ruminations with the intended Love Object. Please find below a sample verse, classic in nature, that will provide reliable building blocks for any Lover's peom. The verse below is best shared in the midnight hours, before a roaring fire, spoken with one red red rose clenched tightly between the teeth. Look deeply into your Lover's eyes to find the unrestrained reservoir of his or her mind. You will find there, reflected in the shimmering pools of your Lover’s soul, a vague and labyrinthine extension of yourself, your destiny and your past.

Verse Template 1 - Ovid's Elegy

"Cupid lowered his quiver and drew forth therefrom arrows to pierce my heart. Then, bending his curving bow with a will upon his knee, he said, "Poet, here is matter for thy song." Ah, hapless me, Love's arrow did but all too surely find its mark. On fire am I, and Love, and none but Love now rules my heart that ne'er was slave till now. Now let six feet my book begin, and let it end in five. Farewell fierce War, farewell thy measure too. Only with the myrtle of the salt sea's marge shalt thou bind thy fair head, my Muse, who needs must tune thy numbers to eleven feet."


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